About Author

About Me 

Hello there, I'm Manmeet, and I firmly think that the secret to good health is to adopt a lifestyle, eat a diet, and exercise that are in line with our evolutionary history.

I started this Blog because I enjoy blogging and am somewhat health conscious because I come from a family with a history of heart disease.

The information are collected from a variety of fitness and medical professionals as well as other reliable online sources.

I hope this blog might inspire you. Enjoy your reading and have a wonderful day!

Please Note: This is not a company blog or website. The views and statements expressed in this blog are absolutely subjective. All content here is either copyrighted or by the mentioned news sources or medical experts.The information presented on this website is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical treatment or diagnosis.

If you have any questions about this site or you think the site violates any of the copyright terms of your site kindly fill the form below I shall remove the same.


If you have personal questions or want to contact me, please send me a mail on the below email id:

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